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АЗЪ - AZACOMBAT is the newest addition to the Ratnik team!
We are happy to inform you that we have found like-minded people at “Sports Club АЗЪ - AZACOMBAT” and we are starting a joint collaboration.
We at Ratnik will produce their items, guaranteeing the highest quality of 100% Bulgarian products.
They, on their part, contribute to their brand with unique original designs.
АЗЪ - AZACOMBAT is much more than a sports club or a brand, the organization aims to motivate everyone to improve their intellect, physique, and spirituality - MIND-BODY-SPIRIT.
Remember the vow of our grandfathers,
love and defend the homeland,
continue your lineage,
The Lord ahead and us after him!


Price: 20.45€

T-shirt - A healthy mind in a healthy body

Strong spirit in a strong body

We know that even the ancient Romans used this motto,
and in 1894 Pierre de Coubertin (Creator of the modern Olympic Games),
proclaimed the principle "a healthy mind in a healthy body",
a little later, the motto was also used by Tsarist Bulgaria,
and her youth personified it.
We, as their descendants, have a debt
let's continue the relay.

The design uses a drawing of the colossal statue "The Boxer",
by the Italian sculptor Francesco Messina,
which is located in the "Marble Stadium" - Foro Italico
(Stadium of Marbles in the Foro Italico).

The author of the drawing and our associate is Pericles-Spyridon Lindblom,
who makes Art Against Degeneracy,
you can follow him at
and support him by purchasing a print of one of his drawings.

Price: 20.45€


A healthy relationship with the native inevitably gives rise to an unquenchable love for one's own. In modern times, this military spirit, which a person must cultivate at home, is being lost, just as the concept of native and sublime is also being lost. The defender is the one who goes against time, ready with his sweat and blood to protect what has been eternally present in humanity as the supreme motive for life. Knight, soldier, angel and king, all face the spiritual urge to protect.

Price: 20.45€

T-shirt - Duty and Honor

1. Don't promise if you are not confident that you will fulfill the promise!
2. Behave unobtrusively, with dignity and without overdoing it!
3. Be careful not to cross the line of politeness filled with dignity and not to succumb to low worship!
4. Do not write thoughtless letters and reports in a fit of rage!
5. Do not slander - you will not prove the bad in the other, you will only compromise yourself!
6. Do not rush to argue with a person who is not well informed!
7. Avoid entering into monetary relations with friends! Money ruins friendship!
8. Do not pay attention to the insults and innuendos that you will hear on the street! Get over it! If you pass, you will not lose, but you will avoid a scandal!
9. If you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything bad, even if you know it!
10. Don't ignore other people's advice - listen! The right to follow them remains up to you! Taking the advice of a friend is an art, no worse than the art of giving yourself good guidance!
11. The strength of the officers is not in impulses, but in calmness!
12. Protect the reputation of the woman who trusted you, whatever she is!
13. In life there are situations that require the heart to be silent and to use your reason!
14. Always be alert and don't relax!
15. Try to keep your words soft and your arguments firm! Try not to annoy your opponent, but to convince him of your rightness!
16. When talking, avoid excessive gesturing and raising your voice!
17. Nothing educates more than realizing your own mistakes! This is one of the main means of self-education! Only he who does nothing is not wrong!
18. When two people fight, both are to blame!
19. Authority must be earned through knowledge, deeds and service! The important thing is that your subordinates respect you, not fear you! Where there is fear, there is ill will and hatred!
20. There is nothing worse than indecision! Better the worst decision than hesitation or inaction!
21. The one who fears nothing is more powerful than the one who fears everything!

Price: 20.45€

T-shirt - Bulgarian Hero

Iron character allows a person to cultivate worthy and noble qualities, a majestic idealism that sets the wheels of history in motion. The anvil for this iron character is the Self. The consciousness that a person must build a new image for himself, which fits according to the eternal laws of humanity - freedom, race, struggle.

Price: 20.45€


Enthusiastic patriotism is the most powerful way to unite the crazy dreamers who lead the new times. The transformation of the Bulgarian Chetnik cause into an organized movement and the creation of a Bulgarian national ideology and doctrine finally decided the fate of the Bulgarian people.

Rakovsky's romantic worldview freed him from the limited ideas that weighed on the Bulgarian people under the Ottoman yoke, preparing him to become the symbol of young Bulgaria. The legionnaires are a new generation of Chetniks who, unlike the outlaws of that time, resolutely put a slogan on their struggle that will forever echo through the centuries: "All in the name of the Motherland."

Price: 20.45€
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