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Home T-shirts Collection 2023

Collection 2023


T-shirt - White Boys Summer

White boys summer t-shirt is perfect for summer days as it combines part of our ideology with summer motifs. We live in a time where, unfortunately, nationalism and even our racial origins are taboo subjects among most peoples.

That's why we're increasingly looking for ways to promote our ideology, and that includes fun ways like this one. Similar white boys summer designs are also a way to recognize our comrades from other countries when we travel.

The pride with which we wear the black sun, symbol of our origin, is much stronger than the scum that pours on us. That's why we decided to make this t-shirt to show our views in a fun way.

It's summer! Time to cheer and party, and when us white boys are having fun the rest of us better stay away!

Price: 22.00€


The Defend Europe t-shirt is part of the Ratnik series, which symbolizes the unity of European nationalists, on whom the burden falls to defend blood and history with all their might.

We must do our best to preserve our peoples and our land from internal and external forces that are trying in every way to take away our identity, our history and culture, and even worse, try to completely erase all of this from future generations.

The strongest weapon we have is the flame that burns in our hearts coming from history and our roots. It is for this reason that in the inscription Defend Europe the black sun is intertwined as a symbol of the origin of the European peoples. The message is also delivered from the sleeve, where there is a zipped pocket and a red tag is attached to the zip, again with the black sun. We must try to educate our children in the spirit of nationalism. We must show everyone that we are the nationalists who will lead the people in struggle, because our cause is not material, we are fighting for history, culture and traditions.

Price: 22.00€

Hero of Honor

Hero of Honor is a model dedicated to nationalism, who fought for the salvation of Europe, who raised Europe to a pedestal. Hero of Honor is a testimony that the spirit of nationalism of the past lives in us today, the flame is kindled ever stronger and from generation to generation, it grows brighter. Heroes of honor who shed their blood and sacrificed their families for their nations are not forgotten. Their example is a guiding light for us and their work is our work. This is abundantly clear to all the enemies of nationalist Europe, and that is precisely why the fight against us is so fierce. They want to take away our identity, our future, our right to fight and develop. However, we have inherited the iron spirit of our ancestors who laid the foundations of the struggle and any attempt to stop us will be a blow to the wall. Europe belongs to the European peoples and we will defend it at all costs. Hero of Honor!

Price: 22.00€

T-shirt - Kahn Krum

Kahn Krum t-shirt is dedicated to a figure emblematic of our history. What comes to mind of every Bulgarian when he hears "Kan Krum"? "If you don't want peace, to you the ax". A romantic memory of the times when Bulgarians and Greeks "drank together" wine, then the laws were sacred, and Bulgaria was a leading factor in geopolitics.

Khan Krum is part of the famous ancient "Dulo" family, which gave Bulgaria some of the greatest heroes of our history. "Dulo" is synonymous with bravery, masculinity, intelligence, and Krum is proof that these qualities are passed down through the generations. Looking back on the years of Krum's reign fills our hearts with pride and keeps the flame within us burning so brightly centuries later.

It is not by chance that Krum's nickname is "Terrible", after the battle at the Varbish Pass, where Kana defeated Nicephorus and cut off his head, the Bulgarians left few survivors to tell first-hand what kind of people stood against Byzantium. A famous fact, written about by Theophanes the Confessor, is that Nicephorus' head was impaled on a spear for display to the coming tribes, making Nicephorus one of the two Byzantine emperors who were killed by tribes considered "barbarians".

Price: 19.43€
Price: 22.00€

T-shirt - We will not forget, we will not forgive

T-shirt - We will not forget, we will not forgive is dedicated to the events in the village of Katunitsa, where two Bulgarian boys were killed by rampaging gypsies.

The murders unleashed the wrath of the Bulgarian lion and united in a matter of hours opposing agitations and organizations. The house of the gypsy boss was set on fire, and the masses could not be tamed. As the poet said "No one can comfort the mad, no one can tame the furious" words that describe the event well.
The Bulgarian youth rose up and punished the abuser, neither the police nor the gendarmerie was able to stop the righteous popular anger. This t-shirt makes us look back with sadness, because of the lives lost, but also with pride, because of the national unity. A T-shirt with which we give a sign to anyone who dares to attack a Bulgarian, that he will be duly punished.

The Bulgarians are a nation that has not succumbed to five hundred years of slavery and forty-five years of communist terror. We will not bow down to the current attempts to encroach and wipe out our people. We will not forget, we will not forgive anyone. Remember Katunitsa and be afraid of the Bulgarian lions!

Today, the main problem of Europe is the liberal contagion that destroys the nation states and this model also symbolizes our struggle for Bulgaria and Europe. See the Europe Awake model (link) which is dedicated to our common struggle as nationalists for our continent.

Price: 22.00€
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